
We provide services in geomechanical modeling (1D / 3D / 4D), processing and interpretation of seismic data, interpretation of well logging data, geological and hydrodynamic modeling, laboratory core testing, selection of reservoirs for underground storage of CO2.
We develop LithoStudio software for geomechanical and geological modeling.


Geology, Geophysics, Reservoir engineering

Geomechanical modeling

LithoStudio software

Core laboratory researching

Geomechanics training




of geological and geomechanical modeling
successfully drilled wells
explored deposits
positive reviews about our company

Geology, Geophysics, Reservoir engineering

Processing and interpretation of 2D/3D seismic data
Petrophysical interpretation of logging data and laboratory core studies
Geological, hydrodynamic, geomechanical-hydrodynamic modeling
Geological and geosteering support for well drilling
Production optimization and oil and gas field economics
Synchronous Seismic Inversion - Acoustic Impedance
Synchronous Seismic Inversion - Vp/Vs Ratio
Geomechanical modeling solves the following tasks:

Geomechanical modeling

Selecting a safe mud density range (static and circulating density)
Trajectory and well design optimization
Reducing the risks of fluid shows, wellbore instability and losses
Reducing non-productive drilling time
ROP increase
Recommendations for improving efficiency in hydraulic fracturing operations
Геомеханическое моделирование
Works performed during geomechanical support of drilling wells:
Based on the geomechanical model, recommendations are given to reduce drilling risks
As new data become available, the geomechanical model is updated
The evaluation of the data that comes in real time from the mud logging stations via the WITSML protocol is performed
A forecast for the next drilling interval is issued
Геомеханическое сопровождение бурения скважин


Lithosphere is a software developer for geomechanical and geological modeling — LithoStudio©.
Go to LithoStudio website
Download a presentation about LithoStudio
Download trial version of LithoStudio
The software was created in 2015 and was previously called Geomechanics©. In 2021, the software was renamed to LithoStudio©. The functionality of the software has expanded significantly. In addition to geomechanics, the software has added petrophysical and geological modeling capabilities.
LithoStudio software has been tested by state geological institutions and received a positive assessment and recommended for use in geomechanical modeling.
LithoStudio is registered in the state register of computer programs. Patent number: 3611.
Please visit for more information.
Geomechanical modeling in LithoStudio
Geomechanical modeling in LithoStudio
Geomechanical modeling in LithoStudio

Laboratory for core strength property studies

Since 2014, Litosfera LLC has its own laboratory for the study of the mechanical properties of rocks. The obtained results are used to refine forecasts and build geomechanical models.
More information
Laboratory for core strength property studies
Laboratory for core strength property studies
The Lithosphere company has developed a training program in the discipline "Geomechanics of Reservoirs" based on the best world methods and similar educational programs of universities.

Geomechanics training

Training is conducted online. In addition to theory, you will also learn geomechanical modeling using LithoStudio.
Geomechanics training
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Our company helps in finding subsurface areas and preparing for CO2 injection.


Search for subsurface areas that meet the criteria for safe underground placement of CO2 in accordance with the requirements of the European standard ISO27914
Preparation of geological survey projects for the purposes of underground CO2 storage: geological survey for the creation of underground structures not related to mining
Preparation of a report on the completed exploration program for the purposes of underground CO2 storage
Preparation of a CO2 injection project with subsequent protection in state bodies
Obtaining the European ISO 27914 certificate
Геомеханическое моделирование
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